Structured cabling is an essential part of every network infrastructure. Structured cable typically includes your data, voice and video networks. Your business operates on it every single day. Your accounting and financial transactions are processed on it. Telephone interaction with customers are traveling on this network. Video to ensure your employees’ safety is moving on this network. Underestimating the needs of your infrastructure can be a serious and costly mistake.
Network infrastructure begins with the proper design and installation. Proper design and installation can significantly impact your network cabling costs today and in the future. The right design can reduce your construction costs. Day to day costs, like moves, adds, and changes, can also be minimized. And, finally, future expansion costs can be contained by anticipating future needs.
ONYX AudioVisual provides consultation, design, installation, and documentation of physical layer infrastructures and network connectivity that are commonly outsourced to multiple organizations. All of our technicians are full time. We ensure the client has proper submittal packages before integration begins, and we provide as-built drawings and cut-sheets to the client after completion of the work. With qualified technicians and an efficient service department, we can handle your needs.